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Login to CVCC’s Online Services like Email, & Blackboard

All information and online services related to Catawba Valley Community College is available through MyCVCC. This site contains access to your email, online courses via access to Blackboard, all through a single login.

What is my CVCC Username?

Your CVCC Username address is your: first initial + last name + last three (3) digits of your student ID number.


For example, if Diana Prince has an ID number of 0123456, her email address would be dprince456.

What is my email address?

Your email address is your: first initial + last name + last three (3) digits of your student ID number +


For example, if Diana Prince has an ID number of 0123456, her email address would be .

  • If you are employed at CVCC, the first part of the login information is the same, followed by
  • If you’d like to setup your student email on a mobile device, checkout these directions.

What is my password?

Your initial password is: cvcc- (be sure to include the hyphen) + the last 4 digits of your social security number.


For example, if Diana Prince has a social security number of 123-45-6789, her password would be cvcc-6789.

If you do not have a social security number or did not provide one on your Application, you should use the last 4-digits of your CVCC ID.  

Your CVCC password should not be shared with anyone!
If you’re having trouble accessing your account, you can visit this website: Get back into your account.
If you need to change your password, you can visit this website: Change Password.

How do I login to CVCC’s Online Services?

In a web browser (preferably Chrome or Firefox) navigate to You can also click the MyCVCC link under the Discover menu from the CVCC homepage, or scroll to the menu at the bottom of the page and click MyCVCC.

Select an online service to login to. Note that once you’ve logged into one of the services then you will automatically be able to navigate to the other services without the need to sign-in again.

You will use your CVCC email address and password to login.

Enter your email address into the field provided on the login page and click the Next button.

Enter your password into the field provided and click the Sign in button.

You’ll then need to verify your identity via Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you’ve not logged in before, you’ll need to first setup MFA.

If you used the Microsoft Authenticator app when you setup MFA then you’ll need to open the app and approve the login on the mobile device you used to setup MFA.

If you prefer to receive a text message and you provided a mobile number where you can receive text messages, click I can’t use my Microsoft Authenticator app right now. Any options that you made available during the MFA setup process are presented as options for verifying your identity. Choose the option that you would like to use.

In the example below, the text message option was used.

Once you’ve entered the code click the Verify button. You’ll then be asked whether you would like to Stay signed in, only choose Yes if you are on a personal device.

Upon first login to your CVCC account you are required to setup multi-factor authentication (MFA).

How do I login to Blackboard?

To access Blackboard, click the Blackboard link from the Online Services list, or go directly to Blackboard by navigating to This will direct you to the CVCC login page, which will require you to login just as you would other CVCC Online Services (see instructions above).

For further help with any of these directions, if you have any questions, or would like any assistance, please contact the HelpDesk by email at or at 828-327-7000 ext. 4444.

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