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Creating a Pool from an Blackboard Test
- Inside the course you wish to create a Pool, click on Tests, Surveys, and Pools under Course Tools in the Course Management panel.
- On the Test, Survey, and Pools click Pools.
- On the Pools page, click Build Pool.
- Give your Pool a name.
- (optional) Give your Pool a description and/or Instructions. These are not visible to students.
- Click Submit.
- On the Pool Canvas Page, click Find Questions.
- On the left side of the Find Questions pop-up page, under Browse Criteria, click on Tests.
- Click the checkbox next to Blackboard Test from from which you wish to pull questions.
- Click the checkbox next to the question you want to import into the Pool, or click the checkbox at the top, next to QUESTION TEXT to select all of the questions.
- When you’re finished selecting questions, click Submit.
- You will need to repeat this process to add more questions from various tests.
- Once you’re done selecting all of the question, click OK in the bottom right corner of the screen.
You can now use this Pool to generate random blocks in other Blackboard Tests.

For further help with any of these directions, if you have any questions, or would like any assistance, please contact the HelpDesk by email at or at 828-327-7000 ext. 4444.