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Setup your CVCC Email on a Mobile Device

Catawba Valley Community College email is the official method of communication for delivery of information.

In an effort to increase the security of the CVCC community, the IT Department has implemented Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) on CVCC’s Microsoft 365 applications. This means that when logging in to a CVCC Microsoft 365 application, you may be asked to use the Microsoft Authenticator app or have a authentication code sent to your mobile device.

If you do not see an option to receive an authentication code via a text message or a phone call, then you will need to contact the HelpDesk to add an authentication method to your CVCC account.

If you already have access to your CVCC account and would like to set up alternative authentication methods, you can do so by clicking here.

Download the Outlook app from the app store

The easiest way to view and access your CVCC email account on your mobile device is via the Microsoft Outlook app. Click the links below on your mobile device to be taken directly to the app store for download.

Enter your email address

Students: Your email address is your: first initial + last name + last three (3) digits of your student ID number +

CVCC Employee: Your email address is your: first initial + last name + last three (3) digits of your student ID number +

For example, if Diana Prince has an ID number of 0123456, her email address would be .

Enter your password

Enter your password in the CVCC branded login page.

Your initial password is: cvcc- (be sure to include the hyphen) + the last 4 digits of your social security number.

For example, if Diana Prince has a social security number of 123-45-6789, her password would be cvcc-6789.


By default Outlook has Focused mode enabled, but often users ask how to disable it.

  1. Click the menu button at the top of your screen.
  2. Choose Settings button in Outlook Mobile .
  3. Use the Focused Inbox slider to turn Focused Inbox off.

Want printable directions?

Print for yourself? Click here.
Printing for your class? Click here.

Getting an Error on Android Device?

See Android Error with Outlook App article.

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