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Onboarding Overview for New Employees
During onboarding, new employees receive essential access and equipment to get started. The process varies slightly depending on employment type and specific needs. Here’s a breakdown of what’s provided once the FreshService Onboarding form has been filled out and what requires a separate request.
Onboarding Essentials:
• Network and Email Access: All new employees gain secure network access and a CVCC email account upon onboarding.
• Full-Time Employees: Receive a laptop and a phone extension.
• Optional Equipment: Physical desk phones may be available upon request.
Separate Requests Required for:
• Keys and/or Furniture: Building or office keys and furniture needed/moved.
(Maintenance will have to be contacted).
• Colleague Access: Permissions to shared files or specific internal systems.
(A FreshService ticket for IDMS will need to be created).