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Exporting a Bb Course

The export course feature creates a ZIP file of your court content that you can use to create a new course or share with colleagues. Unlike a course archive, which you should do at the conclusion of each semester, a course export will not transfer any users or user information. Additionally, the export will only include that which you select from the export list. Course Files that are not used in the course or are not linked in the course are not included in the course export.

Export packages are downloaded as compressed ZIP files and are imported in the same format.

Do not unzip an export package or delete files from the package, as then content will not import correctly.


1. Begin by logging into the Blackboard course you wish to export.

2. Once inside the Blackboard course, click on the Export/Archive Course in the Packages and Utilities section of the Control Panel.

3. Then click Export Package.

4. On the Export Course page, scroll to the Select Course Materials section. In this section, check the box next to all of the content that you wish to export. If you wish to export the entire course, you can click the Select All button.

If you choose to export Discussion Boards, decide whether to include started posts for each thread in each forum (anonymously) or include forms with no starter posts.

5. Once you have the settings correct, click the Submit button.

This export process may take several minutes depending on the size of the content in your course and your bandwidth speed. Once the export process has concluded, you will receive an email. Click the refresh button on the Export Course page and download the ZIP file to your computer. By default, files are downloaded to the Downloads folder. It is recommended that you move this downloaded file to a safe location, such as your CVCC OneDrive, an external hard-drive, or thumbdrive.

  1. Click the file to download it and save it to a location on your computer that you can find later.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the file to your computer, click the chevron next to the file name.
  3. Click Delete.
click the chevron next to the filename and click delete (arrows pointing to each of the corresponding steps 7 and 8)


If you need help with these directions, have any questions, or would like assistance, please contact the HelpDesk by email at or at 828-327-7000 ext. 4444.

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