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Embed a YouTube Video into Blackboard
- Search the desired video from YouTube and Click on the Share button.
- Click on the Embed function under the share options.
- The Embed Video screen is displayed. Use the Start at option if you want the video to start playing at a point other than the beginning. Set any other desired options and select Copy in the bottom right corner.

- Go into the course you are wanting to add the video to in Blackboard and select the Coursework tab. Under the Coursework tab, select the Build Content area and then click the Item option.
- On the Create Item page, in the Text editor menu click the Embed button
This allows you to insert the embed code.
*If you don’t see the three rows of buttons in text editor menu, click the Show More / Less buttonto reveal all of the menu options. *
- A new Source Code view window will open. Use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V to Paste the embed code into the box. Click Save.
- The video will appear in the Content Editor box and can be played from here. Note: You can add text before of after the embedded content.

- Click Submit.
The embedded content is displayed on the screen within your Blackboard course.