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Android Error with Outlook App
If you have the error message below on your Android device, follow the steps in this guide to resolve the issue.

Note that depending on the version of Android running on your device, the directions may vary slightly. Please look for options that would match the step in the directions.
- Swipe down from the top of the screen to access the quit settings and notifications panel.
- Touch the gear icon to open settings.

- Locate and tap Accounts and backup

- Then tap Manage accounts

- Locate and tap on the Work account that has an ID badge type icon and your CVCC email address listed

- Tap the Remove account button to remove this account from your device. This will not remove anything of importance but will instead clear the password and cached data so that you can log in to the email app.

- Navigate back to the OneNote app on your device and proceed to log in to your account.
For further help with any of these directions, if you have any questions, or would like any assistance, please contact the HelpDesk by email at or at 828-327-7000 ext. 4444.